Rife with antiquated norms and perverse Incentives, legacy philanthropy isn't really about driving social impact. Organizations with the biggest brands and long histories continue to get the lion share of philanthropy and grand funding, while leaner, scrappier, hungrier, and more innovative programs are starved of the resources they need.
By featuring only organizations with validated, quantitative and qualitative impact measurement, Altruous seeks to change all that, and drive funding to the highest impact, and highest potential, programs in the world.
We evaluate impact to put the nonprofit-donor relationship back into alignment, channeling funds to the most promising and mission-aligned programs at social purpose organizations. Your financials are important, but they are only one facet of what makes your organization impactful.
When did operational efficiency become the be-all, end-all of the social sector? Altruous believes that investment in staff and infrastructure with competitive salaries and benefits actually drives greater creativity and impact in the long-term. Stop being afraid of investing in your people to gain more funding.
Working with Altruous to evaluate your programs can be an invaluable exercise, helping your organization rethink its approach to M&E, and actually elevate its approach to creating and reporting on its impact. Connect with us, and learn more about how Altruous can help you elevate your impact.