Discover and fund the most impactful programs in your cause area and region.
Foundations have a creativity problem. With grant renewal rates over 90% year after year, legacy organizations continue to be over-funded, while more promising, innovative solutions are starved of the resources they need to be successful. This cycle preserves the status quo while standing in the way of real progress in many crucial cause areas.
Altruous helps foundations expand their options by proactively recommending high-impact programs that align with their unique funding criteria. Your next great grantee could be only a few seconds away!
Our platform provides expert analysis and raw data foundations and their program staff needs to fully-vet prospective grantees, and the facilitates the process of gathering additional info.
Stop chasing grantees to ensure accountability. This creates unnecessary stress and inefficiencies for both you, and the organizations you support. Altruous creates a continuous feedback loop, where organizations are incentivized to keep their impact data up-to-date, your team always has the latest information about your philanthropic portfolio at your fingertips.